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Assembled Pump Installation
The following installation instructions are for a factory assembled pump unit. lf your pump shipped unassembled, skip to it.
1. sling through the discharge head lifting holesand carefully raise the vertical turbine pump into a vertical position.
WARNING:Ensure that slings are rated inexcess of the equipment weight (See Figure 6).
While lifting, take care not to damage the vertical turbine pumpstrainer or cause undue stress on the column pipe.
Position the vertical turbine pump over the foundation andprepare to lower in place. Ensure that thepump is under control before lowering.
Lower the vertical turbine pump onto the foundation while3.carefully guiding it through the base plate hole.Do not allow the lower pump assembly orcolumn to contact the base plate during installation.
4.When the discharge head is firmly resting onthe base plate with full contact,install the mounting bolts.
Unassembled Pump Installation
1. Prepare the bowl assembly.
a. Make sure all bolts are securely fastened.
b. Rotate the shaft to make sure it spinsfreely.
c. Ensure that the assembly is clean, alldebris is removed from the area, and allbleed ports are clean and unobstructed(if applicable).
d. Measure and note available impellerend play or axial movement (commonly referred to as "pump lateral").
e. Install pump strainer if provided.
2.Prepare the installation site. Place two supportbeams across the foundation or base plate.Make sure the beams are capable ofwithstanding the total weight of all equipment.The beams should be clamped firmly togetherwith threaded rods and nuts.Install a friction clamp below the dischargethreads and under a convenient shoulder.Attach a cable sling to either side of the frictionclamp. Make sure the sling is long enough toavoid damage to the bowlshaft from the liftinghook, Make sure sling attachments are farenough out from the bowl assembly in order tobe removed after the friction clamp is set onthe support beams.
Carefully raise the vertical turbine pump into a vertical position.
wARNING: Ensure that slings are rated inexcess of the equipment weight.
While lifting, take care not to damage the vertical turbine pumpstrainer or suction case.
A tail rope may be used to help preventswinging and guide the bowl assembly intoplace. See Figure 7 for a general layout.
5. Lower the vertical turbine pump until the friction clamp earsrest fully on the support beams. Do not allowthe bowl assembly or strainer to contact theopening during installation.
6. Remove the cable sling.
7. Cover the vertical turbine pump with a clean cloth to preventdebris from falling into the vertical turbine pump before thecolumn is installed.
CAUTION: Do not allow any foreign objectsor debris to fall into the vertical turbine pump while awaitinginstallation of the column pipe.
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